Housing Stabilization Services
Every day, countless adults find themselves without a place they can truly call home. The reasons for their homelessness vary, ranging from mental health crises and job loss to substance use disorders and the tragic loss of a family member. Such circumstances can have devastating effects, and merely providing a roof over someone's head often falls short in addressing their underlying issues. Our program goes beyond offering housing; it provides individuals with the opportunity to grow professionally, pursue educational advancement, and establish a positive rental history, ultimately helping them overcome homelessness.
Securing and maintaining stable, affordable housing is crucial for leading a fulfilling life. If you qualify for Medical Assistance (MA), you may have access to housing stabilization services, which can assist you in finding and retaining housing.
Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) are designed to help people locate permanent housing. Eligibility extends to individuals in various situations. Whether you currently reside in unsuitable accommodations, find yourself homeless, live with a family member, or reside in institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, or intermediate care facilities (ICFs), this program may be well-suited for you. Moreover, it involves the development of a housing-focused person-centered plan tailored to your specific needs, preferences, and informed choices.

What Services are Offered?
Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) is a benefit provided through Medical Assistance, aimed at assisting individuals with disabilities, seniors, and those at risk of homelessness in locating and maintaining housing. HSS falls under the state plan of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), rather than being a waiver program.
HSS encompasses three distinct services: Housing Consultation, Housing Transition, and Housing Sustaining.
Housing Consultation
Housing Consultation involves developing a person-centered plan for individuals who do not have MA case management services. This service aids individuals in creating a housing-focused person-centered plan tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, Housing Consultation supports individuals in making informed choices regarding housing transition or sustaining providers. It also assists individuals in accessing resources that may not be directly related to housing but are identified in their person-centered plan.
Housing Transition
Housing Transition is a service designed to support individuals in finding suitable housing. It provides guidance and assistance throughout the process of locating a new place to live.
Our team is here to provide comprehensive support throughout the entire moving process. We can assist with various aspects, including:
Developing a personalized plan tailored to your needs
Assisting with the housing application process
Organizing and coordinating logistics
Researching available housing options
Facilitating the application process for housing
Ensuring necessary adaptive accommodations are in place
Coordinating details such as lease agreements, moving trucks, and supplies
Housing Sustaining
Housing Sustaining is a service that focuses on helping individuals maintain their housing once they have secured it. It provides ongoing support to ensure the individual's housing situation remains stable and sustainable.
Our aim is to help individuals maintain their preferred living arrangements. We offer support in the following areas:
Education and training to foster positive relationships with landlords, property managers, neighbors, and roommates
Assistance in understanding and applying for housing-related benefits
Transportation support
Provision of assistive technology, if needed
Facilitating arrangements for adaptive housing accommodations
Assistance in navigating Economic Assistance programs
Facilitating connections with a Community Living Support (CLS) worker for those transitioning from a group setting to an individual living arrangement
To qualify for Housing Stabilization Services, the following requirements must be met:
Have Medical Assistance (MA) coverage.
Be 18 years of age or older.
Have a documented disability or disabling condition. It is not necessary for the disability to meet Social Security's adult standards. Disabilities can include physical disabilities, mental illness, substance use disorder, and other conditions. The program manual provides specific details regarding qualifying disability types.​
Be in one of the following situations:
Currently experiencing homelessness.
At risk of homelessness, which includes being doubled up, requiring services to maintain housing, or having previously experienced homelessness and now facing discharge from a correctional facility, medical facility, mental health treatment center, or substance use disorder treatment center without a permanent residence.
Transitioning out of, or having moved out of within the last six months, an institution, nursing facility, or specific group settings such as Board and Lodge or Adult Foster Care.
At risk of institutionalization.
Have an assessment indicating the need for assistance in at least one of the following disability-related areas:
Managing moods or behaviors.
How soon can I find housing?The state processing time for eligibility is currently 4-6 weeks. As soon as we get the eligibility confirmation, our team can start working to help you find housing. In some cases, we can help you find housing within 3-6 months.
Do you provide housing for me?While Affinity Care offers Supportive Housing Services, we assist in finding the ideal housing situation for you. This may look like affordable housing or regular market rate homes that fit your budget.
Do I need to be on a waiver to access housing stabilization services?No, you do not need to be on a waiver to access housing stabilization services. These services are open to individuals with disabilities who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA) and meet the specified eligibility criteria. Our team can guide you to the right professional to get the eligibility determination.
When should I use relocation services instead of housing stabilization services if they seem duplicative?If a member is currently in an institution, it is recommended to use relocation services. Providers can bill for services while the member is institutionalized. If a member has already utilized the maximum 180 days of relocation services, they can then transition to housing stabilization services.
Where can I find a list of housing stabilization services providers?You can access a list of providers on this website https://licensinglookup.dhs.state.mn.us/
How are these services billed? Is there any need for the care coordinator to authorize them?These services are billed under the member's Medical Assistance (MA) or Managed Care Health Insurance. If the person is on a waiver, the case manager needs to authorize the service.
What options are available to me if I don't have income?Our team will help you create a budget. Affinity Care also can provide housing support up to $1135 per month.